1945 Arcade Shooting Wiki

There are 16 main Aircrafts to choose from in 1945 Air Force. You start the game with a choice out of two planes, the Boeing P-26 Peashooter (selected) and the the Grumman F3F. As you progress in the game you get more planes through completing special events and in-app purchases. You will get start the game with one plane selected until you open up more slots in your squadron. Your squadron has 4 slots.

Each Aircraft has 4 different stats that are often referenced when discussing superiority of one plane to another. Please note there is little evidence to suggest these stats have any real differences while playing the game. These 4 stats are: Power, Damage Per Second, Damage Per Hit, and Fuel. See Aircraft Stats for a table of aircraft stats.

Aircraft Upgrade Basics[]

As you progress through the game you will need to upgrade your aircraft. The strength of your aircraft is determined by the number of stars you have achieved combined with the number of upgrades for each star you achieve. Each aircraft starts with a predetermined number of stars and can be promoted up to 10 stars. In order to promote your aircraft you must collect the required number of modules to achieve the next star. After you promote your aircraft you must then upgrade using gold coins. You must upgrade your aircraft 10 times by using the gold coins you've earned or purchased in the game before you can promote it to the next star. Final

When you promote your aircraft to levels 3, 5 & 7 you unlock special weapons that increase your aircraft strength. See the chart below for information on what is unlocked at each level.

Extra Weapons
Stars Name Description
1 Overloaded Weapon Unlocks Overloaded Weapon which fires a barrage of powerful bullets against enemies for 6 seconds
3 Missile  Weapon Unlocks Missile Weapon which has 25% main gun power and automatically fires homing missiles
5 Backup Weapon Unlocks Backup Weapon which has 15% main gun power and automatically fires straight-lined bulletsā“
7 Composite Armor Refines Aircraft parts by Composite materials to effectively increase its Armor by 20%

Below is the overview of the cost per upgrade for each star level. Just know that you only have to pay upgrades from the star level of your aircraft upwards. For example, if you get the Beechcraft Model 17 Staggerwing from a Special Event, it comes at star level 7. This means you only have to pay for the upgrades from star level 7 to level 10.

Star Level Mods Gold Coins Upgrade Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 3,250
2 40 650 750 850 950 1,050 1,150 1,250 1,350 1,450 1,550 11,000
3 80 1,700 1,850 2,000 2,150 2,300 2,450 2,600 2,750 2,900 3,050 23,750
4 120 3,250 3,450 3,650 3,850 4,050 4,250 4,450 4,650 4,850 5,050 41,500
5 200 5,300 5,550 5,800 6,050 6,300 6,550 6,800 7,050 7,300 7,550 64,250
6 300 7,850 8,150 8,450 8,750 9,050 9,350 9,650 9,950 10,250 10,550 92,000
7 400 10,900 11,250 11,600 11,950 12,300 12,650 13,000 13,350 13,700 14,050 124,750
8 600 14,450 14,850 15,250 15,650 16,050 16,450 16,850 17,250 17,650 18,050 162,500
9 800 18,500 18,950 19,400 19,850 20,300 20,750 21,200 21,650 22,100 22,550 205,250
10 1,000 23,050 23,550 24,050 24,550 25,050 25,550 26,050 26,550 27,050 27,550 253,000

Tier 1 Aircraft[]

Boeing P-26 Peashooter 2
Grumman F3F
Arsenal-Delanne 10
Grumman F6F Hellcat
Boeing P-26 Peashooter Grumman F3F Arsenal-Delanne 10 Grumman F6F Hellcat
Free Free 400 Gems 400 Gems
1 Star 1 Star 3 Stars 3 Stars

Lockheed P-38 Lightning
Curtiss P-36 Hawk
F-86 Sabre
AH-64D Apache Longbow
Lockheed P-38 Lightning Curtiss P-36 Hawk F-86 Sabre AH-64D Apache Longbow
1000 Gems 1000 Gems 1000 Gems 1000 Gems
5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars 5 Stars

P-51 Mustang 2
XP-55 Ascender
Beechcraft Model 17 Staggerwing
Gumman F9F Panther
P-51 Mustang XP-55 Ascender Beechcraft Model 17


Gumman F9F Panther
Event 50000 Medals Event 50000 Medals Event 50000 Medals Event 50000 Medals
7 Stars 7 Stars 7 Stars 7 Stars

De Havilland Vampire
F-15 Eagle
Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II
de Havilland Vampire F-15 Eagle Lockheed F-117


McDonnell Douglas

F-4 Phantom II

5000 Gems 5000 Gems 5000 Gems 5000 Gems
10 Stars 10 Stars 10 Stars 10 Stars

Tier 1 Aircraft Information[]

Tier 1 Aircraft Information
Aircraft Name Total




Merges With Merges Into
Boeing P-26 Peashooter 3,540 Grumman F3F Grumman Peashooter
Grumman F3F 3,540 Boeing P-26 Peashooter Grumman Peashooter
Grumman F6F Hellcat 3,420 Beechcraft Model 17 Staggerwing Staggerwing Hellcat
Arsenal-Delanne 10 3,420 Curtis P-36 Hawk Arsenal Delanne-Hawk
Lockheed P-38 Lightning 3,100 de Havilland Vampire Lockheed Vampire
Curtis P-36 Hawk 3,100 Arsenal-Delanne 10 Arsenal Delanne-Hawk
F-86 Sabre 3,100 McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II Sabre Phantom II
AH-64D Apache Longbow 3,100 Grumman F9F Panther F9F Apache
P-51 Mustang 2,400 XP-55 Ascender P51 Ascender
XP-55 Ascender 2,400 P-15 Mustang P51 Ascender
Beechcraft Model 17 Staggerwing 2,400 Frumman F6F Hellcat Staggerwing Hellcat
Grumman F9F Panther 2,400 AH-64D Apache Longbow F9F Apache
de Havilland Vampire N/A Lockheed P-38 Lightning Lockheed Vampire
F-15 Eagle N/A Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk F-15 Nighthawk
Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk N/A F-15 Eagle F-15 Nighthawk
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II N/A F-86 Sabre Sabre Phantom II

* = to 10 stars

Tier 2 Aircraft[]

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Grumman Peashooter Staggerwing Hellcat Arsenal Delanne-Hawk P51 Ascender
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Lockheed Vampire F-15 Nighthawk Sabre Phantom II F9F Apache

Tier 2 Aircraft Information[]

Unlike Tier 1 aircraft, all Tier 2 aircraft have the same requirements to make them:

  • 2 paired 10-star aircraft fully upgraded (see above table for pairings)
  • 2,000 gems

Each Tier 2 aircraft starts as a non-upgraded 1-star and can be promoted and upgraded up to 10 stars.

To fully upgrade your Tier 2 aircraft you will need:

  • 14,400 modules
  • 2,960,250 gold coins

The numbers below represent cumulative numbers of both Tier 1 aircraft, and the mods and gold required for your Tier 2 aircraft, to get your Tier 2 aircraft fully upgraded to 10-stars.

Tier 2 Aircraft Name Total






Merges With Merges Into
Grumman Peashooter 2,000 21,480 4,768,900 P51 Ascender Dominator
Sabre Phantom II 8,000 17,500 3,961,150 F15 Nighthawk Terminator
Arsenal Delanne-Hawk 3,400 20,920 4,675,150 F9F Apache Destroyer
Lockheed Vampire 8,000 17,500 3,961,150 Staggerwing Hellcat Executioner
P51 Ascender 2,000 19,200 4,297,400 Grumman Peashooter Dominator
F15 Nighthawk 12,000 14,400 3,312,400 Sabre Phantom II Terminator
F9F Apache 3,000 19,900 4,453,650 Arensal-Delanne Hawk Destroyer
Staggerwing Hellcat 2,400 20,220 4,518,900 Lockheed Vampire Executioner

Upgrade Cost[]

Star Level Mods Gold Coins Upgrade Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0 27,560 27,570 27,580 27,590 27,600 27,610 27,620 27,630 27,640 27,650 276,050
2 1,200 27,670 27,690 27,710 27,730 27,750 27,770 27,790 27,810 27,830 27,850 277,600
3 1,300 27,880 27,910 27,940 27,970 28,000 28,030 28,060 28,090 28,120 28,150 280,150
4 1,400 28,190 28,230 28,270 28,310 28,350 28,390 28,430 28,470 28,510 28,550 283,700
5 1,500 28,600 28,650 28,700 28,750 28,800 28,850 28,900 28,950 29,000 29,050 288,250
6 1,600 29,110 29,170 29,230 29,290 29,350 29,410 29,470 29,530 29,590 29,650 293,800
7 1,700 29,720 29,790 29,860 29,930 30,000 30,070 30,140 30,210 30,280 30,350 300,350
8 1,800 30,430 30,510 30,590 30,670 30,750 30,830 30,910 30,990 31,070 31,150 307,900
9 1,900 31,240 31,330 31,420 31,510 31,600 31,690 31,780 31,870 31,960 32,050 316,450
10 2,000 33,150 33,250 33,350 33,450 33,550 33,650 33,750 33,850 33,950 34,050 336,000

Tier 3 Aircraft[]

Tier 3 Aircraft have been released by the developers on 4 July 2020. As presumed, the 8 Tier 2 aircraft will merge into 4 Tier 3 aircraft with predetermined pairings.

All Tier 3 aircraft have the same requirements to make them:

  • 2 paired Tier 2 10-star aircraft fully upgraded (see above table for pairings)
  • 10000 gems

Each Tier 3 aircraft starts as a non-upgraded 1-star and can be promoted and upgraded up to 10 stars.

To fully upgrade your Tier 3 aircraft you will need:

  • xxxx modules
  • xxxxxxxx gold coins

The numbers below represent cumulative numbers of both Tier 1 & 2 aircraft, and the mods and gold required for your Tier 3 aircraft, to get your Tier 3 aircraft fully upgraded to 10-stars.

Tier 3 Aircraft Name Total Gems Total Modules Total Gold
